Lead in Drinking Water and Water Quality

Lead in Drinking Water and Water Quality

Lead in drinking water is a common concern, and stories such those in Flint, Michigan are well-known tragedies that have negatively impacted the health of many people. However, most people don’t understand their own risk of lead poisoning in drinking water. The best way to limit your risk is to understand it.

What does lead do to the body?

The harmful effects of lead in the human body are numerous. It damages internal organs, such as the kidneys, and it attacks the nervous system. It is most harmful to children during development. Pregnant women can also pass it on to their developing fetuses. Children and fetuses exposed to lead may suffer a decrease in brain development along with organ damage. The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) estimates that 63.2% of idiopathic developmental intellectual disability is caused by lead exposure. Of course, these are global statistics. Additionally, lead exposures are not limited to water. Lead paint and global manufacturing of items such as batteries also contribute to lead exposures. Exposure for the average person in American homes is preventable, and at-home prevention strategies primarily have to do with lead paint in older homes and lead contaminates in water.

How Does Lead Get Into Water?

The most common way for lead to get into water is through old, lead pipes. There is no acceptable amount of lead in municipal drinking water. St. Charles, IL water quality had no lead violations in its 2017 lead testing, and it should be tested again this year. Their 2019 report acknowledges that it has no control of residential plumbing, and it recommends flushing water for 30 seconds to 2 minutes in order to reduce risk.


How to Ensure Your Water is Lead-Free

It is true that your pipes are common culprits for lead exposure, and you need to check your pipes and make sure they are up-to-date and made of lead-free materials. In order to ensure your water is lead-free after your pipes are confirmed safe, we recommend our ONETM Contaminant Reduction System or a whole house reverse osmosis (RO) system. Not only will it filter out any lead, but it also removes other harmful contaminants. Additionally, read your water report and make sure your municipal water source is being transparent in their testing efforts. Many people feel helpless when it comes to water contaminants, but you can control the quality of water in your home by being diligent and investing in proper water filtration systems.


Call us today to find out how to make your home drinking water safe from contaminants at 1-630-864-7078


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